
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2020

Seeking Certainty

Human is always questioning from time to time regarding their existence. In fact the e xistence of all things is imprint s . An imprint of the existence of Power is who creates all creatures . Power is absolute, so there must be single. Power is perfect and sure to cover all things. W hat is this Power? What is the relationship between P ower and humans? The search for the power and role of humans and human beings in life in the world is always interesting to peel. People seek to find the truth of the above and generally rely on the opinions of the elder or the intellectuals or books they believe in or with their feelings or perceptions of their thoughts. Every adult should have the courage to do his own search for the truth , because that search is his own way of life. Even a person's personality will be determined by the values ​​ that are perceived as true and stored in his memory. Whereas truth, should be certainty. And what is certain is the truth. As a result of perc

Jakarta Menandai Awal Tercapainya Cita-Cita Bangsa

Setiap perwujudan perlu dberi sebutan, yaitu nama. Nama selain menandai perwujudan, juga memuat informasi yang bisa ditelaah maknanya sehingga bermanfaat bagi umat. Informasi tersebut bisa berupa cita alam yang berarti ayat akan keberadaan Ilahi. Peristiwa adalah tanda. Peristiwa terjadi karena adanya izin dari Allah Yang Maha Kuasa. Tentunya peristiwa adalah tanda yang bisa ditarik menjadi catatan bahkan bisa dipetik hikmahnya yang akan bermanfaat bagi mereka yang terkabari. Demikian pula sejarah bangsa ini. Kalau merunut kepada catatan sejarah, yang mana jejak-jejak fisiknya masih ada, maka kita melihat masa lalu tergambarkan di hadapan kita, yaitu: ü   Zaman kerajaan Majapahit yang beribukota di kecamatan Trowulan kabupaten Mojokerto ü   Zaman kerajaan Demak yang beribukota di Demak ü   Zaman kerajaan Pajang yang beribukota di Pajang ü   Zaman kerajaan Mataram yang beribukota di Kuthagedhe, Karta & Plered ü   Zaman kerajaan Pakubuwono yang beribukota di Kartasura &