Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Lailatul Qadar

Behold, in the creation of the heaven and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for people of understanding – People who celebrate the praises of ALLAH [Dzikrullah], standing, sitting and lying down on their sides, and contemplate [Tafakkur] the creation of the Heaven and the Earth, “Our God! Not for naught hast Thou created this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.
QS Ali ‘Imran [3]: 190 ~ 191.
The night of the twenty-nine day of the year 2013 of Ramadhan the fasting month.
We have indeed revealed this in the Laylatul Qadr. And what will explain to thee what the Laylatul Qadr is? Laylatul Qadr is better than thousand months. Therein come down the Angels and the Spirit by God’s permission, on every errand. Peace! … This until the rise of morn!
QS Al Qadr [97]: 1 ~ 5.
Some people were in bed enjoy their dream, some were still searching for their fortune, some read Quran in their Mosque, some were celebrated the praises of ALLAH [Dzikrullah] by standing and contemplated [Tafakkur] the creation of the Heaven and the Earth.
At night of 21st Ramadhan 2013 around 9 pm, Pak Haji Slamet Utomo reminded us to face ourself to Masjidil Haram. I try my best to surrender before Allah by putting myself into Masjidil Haram. But suddenly I have an understanding that Baitullah was a place where we meet Allah. A home is a place where we meet the hostage. So I surrender to Allah until He put into His Baitullah.
At the same day, the 21st Ramadhan but in 2019, my father in law Pak Mas Supranoto who is the older brother of Pak Haji explained about the existence of Al Mighty and the universe. Suddenly I had the clear understanding about such Al Mighty existence as well as the truth of myself. It is really clear like seeing the full moon in clear sky. How this happened?
From the 1st experience I did understand that Laylatul Qadr in fact starting from Masjidil Haram where the angels and spirits were coming down then spread out to all places before return back to Masjidil Haram at the rise of morning. So the longest place who received the longest Laylatul Qadr time is Masjidil Haram, while Atlantic Ocean will be the shortest Laylatul Qadr time. During the Laylatul Qadr time, sometimes started by raining and ended by raining also. As narrated by the below Hadits.
From Abu Sa’id Al Kudri ra, he said, “Rasulullah saw i’tikaf in the first 10 days of the Fasting Month, and then was continued to the second 10 days of the Fasting Month. He called the people to close to him and he said, “I was i’tikaf since the first day of the Fasting Month for ten days to seek for the Night of Power, then the second 10 days. Then I was told that the Night of Power was in the last 10 days. So whoever like to i’tikaf, please to do so!” He then said, “I was dreamed meet with Laylatul Qadr in the odd night, where in the morning I was bow down in the wet soil.” Indeed in the night of the 21st day was rain and the mosque was wet. After early morning praying, Nabi saw was got out from his place while on his forehead and nose was attached wet soil. That night was the night of the 21st days of the Fasting Month.”
On the second experiences with my father in law, I had clear understanding. To have clear understanding I need lights. Such lights of course come from the angels who come down to earth. While spirits unveil the secret. That was why I had clear understanding.
So if that night was Laylatul Qadr, why we continue to fast until Ramadan end?
Because fasting is not only seeking for Laylatul Qadr, is it? Fasting is also how to be a master of ourselves [Muttaqiyn] then to stay focus to our objectives & make our best effort to meeting it. The objectives of our life are to understand ALLAH, to be the humblest before Him and thanksgiving to what He did / given.
Thus Your Mercy, Your Grace in fact could only be received by the one who tought, the pious.
Ibn Abbas ra said that Rasulullah saw had told a story that he had divined revelation from ALLAH about someone of Jew whom had fought / jihad without stopping for thousand months. Rasulullah saw had admired, so he prayed, “O my Lord, You have made my people having shorter life and less deeds.” Then ALLAH has given respect to Rasulullah saw by giving Laylatul Qadr that has valued better than thousand months that has been used by the man of Jew who had fought in the way of ALLAH.
Name of the man of Jew was Syam’un / Samson / Samsung. He had fought against the unbelievers for thousand months without stopping. He had been given power & braveness that made his enemies to afraid. Then the unbelievers come to his wife. They pursued his wife that they will give golden prizes if she can tie her husband. According to their plan, Syam’un will easily be caught in tied condition.
When Syam’un on asleep, quietly his wife tied Syam’un body with rope. However, when Syam’un was awakening, easily he can break the rope, which tied his body.
“Why you did it to me?” asked Syam’un to his wife.
“I have just tested your strength,” answered his wife.
The unbelievers did not give up. They give chain to Syam’un wife and instructed her to tie Syam’un with the chain. Syam’un wife had executed the instruction. However, as the previous, easily Syam’un can break the chain.
The Devil himself come to the unbelievers then advised them to instruct Syam’un wife to ask to her husband what will be his weakness. After being pursued, Syam’un told to his wife that his weakness was on the eight crests at his head. When Syam’un was sleeping, she cut the crest and tied Syam’un with the eight of crests, four for Syam’un legs and four for Syam’un hands. Syam’un cannot escape from the ties because that is his weakness.
At last, the unbelievers could arrest Syam’un. Then they tortured him. Syam’un ears and lips were cut off, and then his body was hung on the very tall stanchion. Syam’un prayed to ALLAH asking for power to escape from the tortured of his enemies. ALLAH fulfilled Syam’un pray, so that he can release from the ties and destroy the very tall stanchion that was used to hang him. All the unbelievers were died fallen by the very tall stanchion.
All Rasulullah saw friends inspired with this story. They asked, “O Rasulullah saw, can we have the gift as given to Syam’un?”
“I do not know,” replied Rasulullah saw. Then he prayed to ALLAH. ALLAH fulfills by giving the Laylatul Qadar, which is better than thousand months used by Syam’un in his efforts in the way of ALLAH.
When we met with Laylatul Qadr, what we should do?
Anas explained that Rasulullah saw said, “When the Laylatul Qadr is coming, Gabriel as the Angels coming down to earth together with other Angels. They praised to anyone who remembrance ALLAH / dzikrullah.
In hadits told by Abu Hurayrah, it said that at the Laylatul Qadr, all Angels coming down to earth with the countless number. They are coming down from every open sky / heaven’s doors like radiation of light. The Malakut / Angels kingdom was opened at that time. For who unveiled, they can see Angels are standing, bending, bowing down to ALLAH by remembering / dzikrullah and Tasbih / praised to ALLAH. Some of them are able see heaven and hell with all its contents.
Umar ra told that Rasulullah saw said, “Whoever reviving the night of the 27 Ramadan until morning / Shubuh, which were dearer by ALLAH comparing to shalat / prayer for the whole night at that month.
Fatimah ra asked, “Father, what the unable people must do to revive the night because of sick?”
Rasulullah saw answered, “They do not need throwing away their pillow; they should sit down and pray to ALLAH at that night. That was dearer by ALLAH comparing to the shalat / prayer at the night of Ramadan.”
Aisyah ra said that Rasulullah saw said, “Whoever revive to making the Laylatul Qadr worthwhile, then shalat / prayer for two cycles and asking for ALLAH forgiveness, ALLAH will forgive them and giving His blessings; Gabriel the Angel will covering them with his wings. Whoever covered by Gabriel’s wing, they will go to heaven.”

Banyuwangi, the 21th Ramadan in the year of 2019

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